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It's Heart Month! ❤️


In honour of Heart Month, a bake sale was held at the rec centre to raise funds for Heart Failure research at Toronto General Hospital. The support from the community was completely overwhelming and $2200.00 was raised!

A heartfelt thanks to my friends Ashley, Andrea and Ava for helping me bake and decorate almost 150 cupcakes. We had a lot of fun!

A heartfelt thanks to Shaun for putting together the flyer in his own personal time.

A heartfelt thanks to Roland and Victoria, and Terese for their help at the rec centre,

all the friends and fellow community members that baked goods to contribute, and all the kids that helped throughout the bake sale.

And lastly, a heartfelt thanks to Gaby for selflessly helping me to host the sale and organizing so many moving pieces behind the scenes. We couldn't have done it without you, Gaby! 🩷



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